

Trouble is first and foremost a Rogue in several senses of the word. Not only is she a thief and a good one, she is roguish by nature and inclination. She has no compunctions whatsoever about stabbing an enemy in the back, literally or figuratively, most especially when she knows she can finish the job quickly, silently or untraceably. Being a Valarian has not changed that outlook, only given her more targets. She considers notions of honor and fighting fair to be foolish, which is to be expected given her background and heritage.

Trouble enjoys her Unicorn abilities and considers them her biggest asset in whatever she does. These let her get out of tight situations with ease and helps guide her hands when she pulls out her knives. Second to that is her Blackwind gifts which have a similar effect.

Trouble uses her charm and wits as much as she does her knives, and with the same precision. She is an expert at reading people.

Trouble enjoys tricking and fooling people, especially through disguises. She went through the process of evolving just so that she could take on other racial forms, especially human, but she finds being a Sprite to be quite amusing. She also can switch genders which also helps her disguises. She has one favorite disguise, of a noble elf lady with long curly blonde hair and blue eyes.

Trouble has a familiar fire dragonet named Nothing. Nothing primarily acts as a scout and spy for her, since Trouble doesn’t do magic yet. Trouble used to have a pet griffit she named Double and considered making Double her familiar but griffits are dead giveaways to any necromancer agent that Trouble was a shapeshifter so that never happened. Trouble instead found that Double decided herself to be Trouble’s sister Dove’s familiar, because the notoriously distracted and distractable Dove really needs someone smart to mind her.

Trouble recently became a wizard and will eventually become an archmage: not only does that give her access to the most useful spells, it is just the sort of thing a noble would learn. She also wants to learn Astral magic, that being her clan heritage, but she has not found a teacher yet.

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