Menu Tabs in Admin Pages

4) Notes

  • There is no effective limit to the number of menu tabs and the associated menu panels in the menu system, but only one menu bar can be active on any one page.
  • The initial jQuery function can be modified to initially select the first menu tab and the corresponding admin panel, but I elected not to use them in this situation. Instead, I define the selected menu tab and the specific panel being shown during the web page creation because on some pages I break from the default “first panel selected” scheme to have the same panel selected when refreshing the page after a form submit so that the tab selected and the panel shown are the same tab and panel that referenced and contained the form. The modifications to do this, however, are simple: first, remove the ‘nav-tab-active’ class definition from the menu tab; next, add ‘style=“display: none;“ ‘ to each of the <div> elements (or whatever) of each of the admin panels, so that they are initially hidden, and finally, add the following lines to the first function in the jQuery file to activate the first menu tab and the first admin panel. This, of course, presumes both the first menu tab and the first admin panel are linked.

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