Countess d’Sangre’s Stage Performance

Next Felicia will select two more volunteers to assist her with her next illusion. A plate of metal, mirror bright, in a metal frame is produced, and the two volunteers hold either side. Felicia will remark about the vampire’s ability to become a mist and to pass through objects. She will then stand behind the seemingly-impervious metal plate and slowly walk through it. The plate can (and will) be examined by the volunteers but will reveal nothing.

The two volunteers are entranced and told they are strip-tease dancers and to begin dancing. If possible, the appropriate music will be played in the background.

Her volunteers are finally returned to their chairs on stage, and all the volunteers are used for the next segment. They are variously told that parts of their bodies have been stolen by the person next to them, or that parts of their body are growing or shrinking or multiplying. After this, they are variously told to forget their names, ages, sex, how to read, how to tie their shoelaces, etc. She will then question each in turn about what they have forgotten. Once the segment is over they will all be put back under a trance.

One of the volunteers will be used as a spirit medium for the next illusion. Felicia will state that as the strongest of the undead, vampires can command spirits and the spirit world. The volunteer, still entranced, in set within a spirit box cabinet, bound around the chest and legs with ropes, along with a bell and a slate and a piece of chalk. Felicia will then call the spirits to come and answer her. The bell will ring, showing the spirits are present. She will question them, taking questions from the audience, and the volunteer will hold out the slate with the answers written on them. At the end of the trick, several ghostly sheets will emerge from the cabinet and rocket into the rafters as the cabinet collapses. The volunteer will be found untied.

The volunteers are all given X‑Ray glasses, which will work on everyone except Felicia: whether they work on each other is up to her to decide. When this has ceased being funny, they are told to take off the glasses and that they are watching an X‑rated movie. After a few moments, they are told the sound has failed and for them to supply the movie’s sound effects.

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