Chime’s Expedition

Next, the small group visited the University’s psychoportation laboratory, where Chime was hoping to locate crystals used as training aids for teleportation skills. She entered the same way, but did not require Boulder’s ID chip, as security here was much less restrictive.

She easily located the small storage area. As she had expected, but hoped was wrong, there was nothing present that involved dimensional teleportation. She hoped that the cause was only because of her brief search, but knew deep down that the Crystallon was right: dimension teleporation was very rare, the province of highly secret research, not a common Ellori University training program.

However, she was able to locate several teleporation amplifying and storage crystals. Such were typically used in training students in the use of their teleporation ability. Personal and impersonal teleportation were the most heavily-emphasized skills of all those engendered by the psychoportation ability: its most talented adepts usually were employed by the military or shipping companies, plus the occasional private ship owner, to “jump” starships between planets. The other psychoportation skills were primarily used only by such advanced adepts as in the military or for espionage or criminal actions, not subjects the University would normally train.

Chime selected one each of the most commonly used crystals, and touched them to the psychically sensitive metal of her choker and headband, where they melded into place. She was about to leave when she noticed a small, heavily shielded box on the top shelf of the locker. Taking it in her hands, she could recognize a faint psychic signature even through the shielding. Upon opening it, she discovered a small golden crystal that shimmered to her psychic senses. Why the instructors would store a power crystal here, she had no idea, but even such a small one was a treasure worth more than she had hoped for. She quickly added the crystal to her headband.

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