To the west is her bedroom: the bed is a large wooden-framed waterbed, covered with a wealth of warm furs, soft downy quilts, and feather pillows, and the small blanket she was discovered in at the orphanage so long ago. (Brigid loves to warmly burrow within the pile to sleep, accompanied by any number of the castle’s cats.) The bed was originally designed for the Prince Gérard but was given to Brigid: after Gérard had been married, he and his wife wanted a larger bed and this one was put into storage, unused, from which Brigid requested it when she established her quarters in Amber. It is sturdily built and the headboard is carved with hunting scenes. The bed itself sits on a large brown fur rug that covers most of the floor.
There is a large wooden chest of drawers against the south wall beside: her jewelry is contained in a wooden box in the top drawer of the chest.
A hanging bar stretches around the three walls of the closet underneath a broad shelf. Directly within the doors is a double set of chests for Brigid’s clothing that doesn’t get hung up or placed on the shelf. At present the closet is only partially filled, largely from “loans” of formal gowns and clothing from Florimel. In one corner is a black clothes bag which contains several sets of her superheroic costume (in which Brigid can be seen wearing on her Trump). Several pairs of shoes and boots are set in a row along one wall.
In one corner of the closet, set against the inside walls of Brigid’s quarters underneath the shelf, is a modestly-sized wall safe, magickally enhanced and protected. There is no obvious lock: the locking mechanism is set to respond only to Brigid’s sorcerous aura, and requires a considerable skill at shapeshifting to manipulate. To open it, Brigid sets her finger against the door: the safe’s inherent enchantment recognizes her aura and shifts to allow an opening in which to slide her finger: once inside the lock, Brigid must them shift her finger to fit the lock in order to open the door. The safe could be forced, but it would be very difficult to open without Brigid noticing that it had been done. At present Brigid has very little there; only her daughters’ copy of the Silver Unicorn Trumps which she is holding pending their maturity.
The walls of her bathroom are painted to represent a woodland glade, with boulders near the northwest corner representing a natural waterfall into the bath. The room has a sky-blue ceiling and grass-green tiles on the floor. In the northwest corner is a large triangular (7′-plus base, 4′-plus high, 3′-plus deep) raised marble bath of pale greenish marble with built-in Jacuzzi. A hanging curtain mirroring the wall designs can cloak the bath, allowing it to be used for a shower as well: the shower head is designed to resemble a rocky outcropping. A redwood steam cabinet sits next to the bath. A marble counter with a pair of sinks are against the east wall; a mirror covers the entire wall above the counter. Finally, a toilet of the same green marble is in the far corner. All of the metal fixtures appear to be gold or a golden alloy.
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